Baroness Nicholson is sending out letters in an attempt to roll back longstanding trans inclusion policies. Fortunately she's not in the cabinet and has little understanding of the current law. But this is a blatant attack on the Equality Act.

Cis people, we need your support.
Right now, the Equality Act protects single-sex spaces *and* access to these for many trans people.

Want to maintain this? Please write to your MP and explain why it is important to support trans recognition. Write to the people Nicholson is, and support their current policies.
In this country, we have *never* had laws governing how men and women can use public spaces such as toilets, changing rooms etc. That has always been up to companies, public bodies and suchforth to make their own decisions on. This benefits all gender nonconforming people.
Attempts to more strictly define who can and cannot access spaces such as public toilets and changing rooms will be horrific for trans people - but also anyone who doesn't fit heteronormative logic. Butch lesbians, single fathers, many disabled people. Stick with self-definition.
The argument that men might use be able to access women's toilets because trans women use them (and we do) is ridiculous. If you strictly enforce access on the basis of sex assigned at birth, cis men could simply claim to be trans men? Far easier than pretending to be a woman.
There are two logical endpoints to strictly guarding "same-sex spaces". One is rejecting people based on how they look - inherently sexist, and will harm all women. The other is physical examinations - interhently sexist, and will harm all women.
Attacks on the Equality Act aren't just about trans people - it's part of a wider attempt to undermine equality law, which could affect all women as well as BAME/POC, LGB people, people of faith (yes, Christians too), disabled people, even pregnant people and married couples(!)
There is now a considerable Conservative majority in the House of Commons. Remember that the party opposed the passage of the Equality Act in 2010. They did not want the strengthening of women's rights, or LGBT rights, or disabled people's rights, or the rights of BAME/POC.
To protect (and eventually extend) the Equality Act, we need to all come together and argue in favour of it. Tell your MPs, tell your colleagues, your bosses, your families, your friends.

Trans people are the thin end of the wedge. An easy target. Fight for us. Fight with us.
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