Look, I know you hate the term 'cishet Ace', I do too! Because over 80% of it's usage is as a strawman representation of heteroromantic Aces

But reacting agressively to it's usage only makes things worse in at least 3 ways:
1. It's caused a lot of arguments between Ace people who actually agree, as "cishet Aces don't exist" can be easily misconstrued to mean, "Heteroromantic Aces don't exist"

These pointless arguments inspired this thread: https://twitter.com/aphobelist/status/1236748145926852611?s=19
2. It scares people who mistakenly use the term When Allos stumble into the world of Asexuality, it's usually through meeting an Ace Lesbian, Bi Ace, etc.

If that's your first experience with Asexuality it isn't strange to assume that therefore Straight or cishet Aces do as well
So when an Allo trying to learn about Asexuality tweets something about cishet Aces, angrily replying really plays into the "overly sensitive snowflake Ace" stereotype along with scaring away a potential ally by making Asexuality overly complicated and unapproachable
3. We can't forget about the minority of Aces who ID as a cishet Ace. When you reply "CISHET ACES DON'T EXIST" you aren't defending them, you're further erasing and invalidating them
This isn't to say your hatred of the term is incorrect or unreasonable, just try to examine who's using it and why before replying.
If it's for aphobic and exclusionary reasons, by all means go at it
Just try to keep that 20% in mind, please
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