my mum thinks coronavirus and covid-19 are words that are being used to call the yahoodi maseeah so she read me the message with references... aand i’m about to translate those words on google
so the message says “corona” is written as “קרא נא” and it means to call someone or refer to someone. google translate: “please read”
the message also says that “covid” is referred in “masechet berachot” where it’s stated that you can’t pray without the belief in or without calling the messiah; “אין עומדין להתפלל אלא מתוך כובד דראש”. google translate: “there is no standing to prayer except out of gravity”
furthermore this conspiracy message states that “19” (in COVID-19) means that jews/yahood need to recite their 19th kalma/invocation while calling/referring to the messiah for them to be responded
i have no idea where i was going with this thread, just know i did a little bit of research on a whatsapp message written entirely in urdu - a text i find difficult to read 💀
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