LRT: The comic touches on this but it isn't its main thrust: one troubling effect of #toxicpositivity is the erosion of trust in expressions of positivty. If there's one valid mode of expression, that means there are effectively no valid modes of expression.
I do tend to think that this also goes hand-in-hand with (particularly American?) tendencies to embrace one's "true self" (no such thing, but that's another tangent) uncritically as a valid and noble thing beyond reproach. No! You have to interrogate your feeling and reactions!
Some of us ARE the "toxic" people in other people's lives, but we're not beyond hope--it takes work. How can we hope for the world to get better if we don't turn these demands back in on ourselves?
Okay, I'm digressing a bit and realizing I'm writing this thread to tie two arguably (un)connected pet frustrations together. I also tend to wallow in negativity to a possibly unhealthy extreme. So grain of salt and all that.
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