Anyone who had any training in public health and Epi would have anticipated this back in March. Q is what did the @ICMRDELHI advise the administration? Clearly, what it says publicly is not even half-truth based on reports in @Article14live by @nit_set and his colleagues 1/n
2/n How were decisions on lockdown taken? Why did the @MoHFW_INDIA continue to deny community transmission despite the fact that it knew otherwise? Why did @NitiAyog mislead the country with a made-up fake model of pandemic progression? Why such flip-flops on testing strategy?
3/n On what basis did the admin issue guidelines for use of HCQs? What role did @ICMRDEL have in recommending HCQs as prophylaxis? Where is the NCDC? Why is it that its surveillance infrastructure so dysfunction? Did it have a seat at the table when decisions on containment were
4/n taken? Did the admin consult economist in designing its response? Why is it that the humanitarian tragedy unfolding wasnt anticipated for lockdown 2, 3 & 4?

So many questions, so few answers.
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