OK so in that alternative universe where I'm a famous writer, I'm going to hire someone to record themselves reading all my drafts so I can hear it, you know? Like how someone interprets the character's voice, the flow, the vibe...
And I'd also get really into the making of full-cast audio productions of my work—not only to support my blindy friends' reading habits but also because full-cast audios are great and can put a whole new spin on a book.
And also let's be real I'd cry if somebody wrote in the universe of my work / wrote fanfic about it... even if it was garbage, because it proved that my work inspired them.
And also I'd live alone by the sea with my cat and my dog and haunted doll, and invite friends over to have tea-parties even though we'd all be grown-ups.
This thread devolved so I'm going away now. Luckily this is the universe where I'm studying history and only writing on the side.
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