This is a such a false narrative.

If unemployment benefits are providing a better living wage than the jobs they were in before...THE JOBS THEY WERE IN BEFORE UNDERPAID.

There is 0 chance someone getting full unemployment PLUS the $600/week from government is rolling...
In the $$$. It’s not possible. You can maybe net 4K a month. 4K a month is an OK paycheck if you live in a high cost of living area like a major city or surrounding suburbs and that’s just gunna pay bills and get ya food, if you’re single. Got a fam? Yea that 4K is nothing.
BUT even if you take that argument and say prove it, Sens like richy rich Purdue cant because it’s also just not true. People want to work, but they want to work is safe environments without being put in the middle of a ridiculous political debate.
Telling a non essential worker to go back to work, without providing the appropriate context and protection, why would that employee want to go back to work?

Not to mention, most ppl in America don’t love their jobs. So I bet there’s people making WAY LESS being on unemployment,
But are WAY MORE fulfilled because they are getting away from a soul numbing job and able to spend time with their family or spend time learning to do things they didn’t have time for before.
There’s no point to this thread, just a rant. And I think that’s more of the point.

We don’t know what it’s going to take to get people back to work. But even if we assume that people are not going back to work because they are making more money on unemployment then at their job
The first response to that shouldn’t be the statement “take away that extra money” it should be the question “how do we make them feel that fulfilled while working?”

Maybe a lot of the time it comes down to $$$, maybe not. But if is is about the $$$ that’s easy to fix.
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