Aquarius ♒️
“Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus”

I’m seeing that someone wants to express how they feel by having a heart to heart conversation. They know that you’re the one...but they need to make an effort to reach out. You guys...I’m getting a headache because this person is
frustrated and they’re stressing out about a messy situation that they put themselves in! This person is either in a commitment or they’re married. For some of you...they were being sneaky and started dealing with someone else...and you never knew about it. They want to get out
of this situation...but I’m seeing that they’re feeling stuck. There’s a karmic lesson that they haven’t finished going through...and this is why they can’t move forward just yet. He or she can’t sleep because of the choices that they made. They do think about you and they want
to talk to you...but with the King of Swords were very blunt with them and cut them off! I honestly don’t even blame you at all!!!! He or she is finally starting to listen to their intuition...and their angels and guides have been communicating with them. I’m also
seeing that they’ve been talking to someone who has also been giving them some advice. The advice is that you both are supposed to be together...and that they’re honestly not happy without you! They’re also being told that they better hurry up and figure this out because their
time is running out with you! He or she is also receiving some clarity about a woman that they’ve been around. She’s very sneaky and fake...and she has been clouding their judgement. Now...on the next row...I have 3 people back to back. I’m seeing one man and two women...but it
could be one woman and two men (take it however it fits your situation). I’m hearing that one person is a family member and the other person is the one that they’re in a commitment with. You are not in this equation at all...unless you’re the karmic soulmate🤷🏾‍♀️ Anyways...the older
woman (or man) that is the family member...I’m seeing that they’ve been working hard on trying to figure out a home situation. The family member judged you and didn’t want you two to be together...and that’s the sneaky fake person. Now...there is a privileged lady (or man) that
they have been in a commitment with. He or she will be having a conversation with that person and with the coffin here...they will be ending that relationship. I have to back up because I’m hearing something else for someone. Your person could’ve been dealing with two different
women (or men). There’s one that they were dating or in a relationship with...and the other person they have a child or children with. The one that they have a child with...I’m seeing that they’re either currently going through or they will be going through a child support and/or
a custody situation. The fact that I have the child card, the court house card, the official person card, and the judication card definitely confirms a legal situation that will be taking place! He or she is trying to figure out what to do when it comes to their finances...
and this is why they’ve been keeping their distance from you. This person has their hand on their forehead...upset...because they’re saying to themselves...if only I did _____...I wouldn’t be in this mess!
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