Respectfully speaking about a celebrity's very public relationship and shipping them and making edits for them and stuff is not wierd ?
Like if you do it respectfully there's nothing wrong with it ! And most the time those celebs find it cute / appreciate fans who make edits and "Stan" then ect !
If a celebs expresses they don't like it then I understand and if your wierd about it then like stop ! But alot of celebs Actually like it and appreciating and admiring a very public relationship is very normal
Shaming people for "stanning" a public relationship esp when those on that relationship Actually like it and stuff is kinda mean
In saying this , if your overly obssesed in a creepy way , if your disrespectful with how you speak about a celebs relationship it's very wrong ! But there nothing wrong with respectfully appreciating a relationship
Anyways scomark rights
If this thread didn't make sense in sorry one only slept 1 hour in 40 hours and it's almost 5 am
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