1/25 Today with our partners @naacp and @ERIC_Yale we released the findings from our poll of African Americans on COVID-19. You can find slides of the data here: http://www.africanamericanresearch.us  The next 24 slides include some key findings.
2/25 For the data geeks, here are some basics on the methodology (more available at our website).
3/25 Before we get to the graphs, let's look at the team who helped us develop the questionnaire -- a powerful group of African American experts and scholars from around the country.
4/25 not surprisingly, Black people are following news on the pandemic -- 92% closely or very closely.
5/25 This word cloud reflects how deeply the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting African Americans. We asked what 1-2 words come to mind when thinking about the disease and create a cloud where the most frequent words are larger and more central.
6/25 The COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating economic impacts on the Black community.
7/25 Despite the economic impacts, 80% of African Americans do not think it is time to end the shutdown.
8/25 Donald Trump is perceived worst among government officials in responsiveness to the outbreak. The federal government is also under water. Governors and Mayors are perceived better but (see next slide) ...
9/25 All governors are not the same. Northeast governors receive much higher ratings than southern governors from African Americans.
10/25 Black people trust doctors, public health officials and black elected officials most. Trump, Republicans and FoxNews least.
11/25 African Americans believe race is a factor in how Re-open protesters (who do not socially distance or wear masks) are treated by police. (Our colleague @YaleLawSch professor @mearest helped inform our questions on public trust and policing.)
12/25 Similarly 58% of African Americans do not trust police to fairly and equally enforce social distancing.
13/25 This one is big -- Over half of black people believe Trump pushed for reopening once he learned that black people were dying at higher rates.
14/25 Trump because of his response to COVID-19 and lack of concern with impacts on African Americans is perceived as the most dangerous threat to black people by 73% of those polled.
15/25 Another word cloud. This one is 1 or 2 words that describe Trump's handling of COVID-19. Black folks were definitive.
16/25 African Americans are overwhelmingly taking safety precautions to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.
17/25 Younger African Americans are less likely to feel safe wearing a mask in public, worried about being perceived as a threat (but a strong majority do feel safe).
18/25 The pandemic is taking a toll on the mental health of African Americans.
19/25 Our collaborator @ERIC_Yale and their director Dr. Marcella Nunez Smith ( @YaleMed) have done important work highlighting disparity in COVID-19 treatment of black patients.
20/25 A majority of parents surveyed worry that their children are not learning enough since online learning began and may fall behind.
21/25 A big deal: African American voters are much more enthusiastic about voting in 2020 compared to 2016.
22/25 Strong certainty among African Americans that they will vote.
23/25 Joe Biden is way ahead of Trump. He has some real work to do to get to the 90%+ of black support that will make his election most likely. (But Trump is really unpopular.)
24/25 African American voters strongly see COVID-19 much more as a reason to go vote as opposed to a reason (because of safety) to stay home on election day.
25/25 Black people strongly support a range of reforms to make voting easier, with same day voter registration the most popular.
Shout out to key scholars and experts who made this work possible: @rayblock1 @HenryFernandezJ @ProfJonCollins @SamFulwood @mearest @TatisheNteta @blackbruin @DrCrystalT and Dr. Jennifer A. Jones and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith
You can follow @AfAmResearch.
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