1/ Haven't seen this recent LA Parking Minimums study by Katelyn Stangl pop onto twitter, I found it really interesting for a couple reasons: https://escholarship.org/content/qt8zb447g4/qt8zb447g4.pdf?t=pzgy8i
2/ The study analyzes recent building permits and finds that most developments build less parking than required by City Parking Minimums ("default"), but more parking than special parking minimum reductions ("binding" - think TOC/Density Bonus/etc.) allow.
3/ The study also compares relative affordability to how much parking was built. No surprise, but more affordable housing builds less parking (there's a little bit of chicken and egg going on here)
4/ Maybe most interesting, the study looks at parts of LA where density and walk/transit modeshare is most feasible and found "a development located in an “Old Urban” neighborhood would build 34% more of its binding min and 6% more of its default min than in another neighborhood"
5/ "This indicates that developers were more likely to build more parking in neighborhoods where Angelenos are least likely to drive and most likely to travel by public transit or by foot." !!!!!!!
6/ The study guesses some reasons: because these areas have so little parking demand is very high (i.e. Koreatown) "If a developer in an “Old Urban” neighborhood chooses to build a lot of parking, they'd be in possession of a scarce resource and could charge high monopoly rates"
7/ Also, these "Old Urban" areas near the city core might have a higher overlap between luxury housing and TOC incentives, creating a larger gap between the perceived high demand for parking and the opportunity to build less compared to other parts of LA
8/ I found this fascinating, and helps build a case for implementing 'Parking Maximums" in these neighborhoods to maintain the current urban fabric
9/ Stangl also spent a number of pages interviewing developers about parking policy which contains some enlightening quotes (I love the egg analogy)
10/ Anyway - this is probably the best recent analysis of parking policy in LA. It's comprehensive and includes a lot more than just what's in this thread, folks who are curious should definitely check out the whole thing https://escholarship.org/content/qt8zb447g4/qt8zb447g4.pdf?t=pzgy8i
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