How To Become An Authority In Anything In One Month


You're experienced in a field most people don't know you for online

You want to transition your profile from entertainment use to content creator but might be struggling?

I'll show you how 👇🏾

The best way to introduce your audience to this new version of you is by creating a lot of valuable content posting regularly

Spamming your audience with valuable content over a span of a month is more than enough time to make people recognise you know
Something about this field especially if you are sharing your experiences and results

Show pictures, talk about your life, show how applying this knowledge has helped your journey thus far

The more info you push out around a topic, the more you become aligned to this new niche

One of the laws of persuasion is the law of association

People who are established as influencers within your niche already have authority over their big followings

Connecting with these people will help easily solidify your status
You are associated with an authority, it is much easier for you to be seen as one yourself

And the only reason why this authority is friendly with you in the first place is because you are impressive

So reach out to people you admire in your niche because network matters

I mentioned it in the first point but I want to dig deeper with it

Demonstration is the easiest way to become an authority

Showing your personal results saving £1,000, losing 10 kg in a month, building a 6 figure business and your achieving more results is easy
persuasion right there!

People are looking for someone to follow who has the results and experience they are looking to learn from

You don't have to even be 10 steps ahead, you can still be an authority to someone even if you are 2 steps again

You still have experience and
knowledge someone is dying to learn from

Helping and teaching others will not only help them, it will help you retain and remember everything you've learnt

Scholars say we remember 95% of the information we teach others

So become the authority and your life will become better
You can follow @Amaa___Official.
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