I commented behind a block that her username was boring, and so after she got done elaborately incog name-searching herself, she decided to do a boring, unfunny thread about my eyebrows today. It's funny how easy it is to push these people's buttons. šŸ¤£ https://twitter.com/lachancenaomi/status/1262797967263707138?s=20
Like, literally just point out what fundamentally boring try-hards these people are and they lash out like the predictable blobs that they are. I hope she has a few reply guys that lift her self-esteem today.
I am really glad that Twitter is going to get a break from hearing about MattY's poops now, though.
This actually probably explains a lot about her. She thought she could diet her way out of being bullied and become the bully herself. I donā€™t support fatphobia, but imagine doing a whole thread mocking someoneā€™s appearance and then feeling sorry for yourself when you get mocked.
This is hilarious and sad because the reason I said that her name is boring is because it's extremely basic to think your AnaĆÆs Nin phase is obscure and edgy.
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