Music, emotions and total silence. A different kind of hum.
That was a fab chat with Graham Silbiger - ended too soon! Now for @annabsexton > >
the essence of play & creativity, and the challenge of supporting people with this
there's a multiple choice situation about what we do with our bodies at this time.
s p a c e

general conversation /
shared history /
observing ourselves & others' bodies
... questioning distrust of another body...
"Everybody has the right to feel scared"
Naomi talks of: process and continuity, recording something. Process and photos of plants and mum and cat.

Anna: Blue things. Marking time. There are roles for everybody.
The value of p a s s i n g s o m e t h i n g o n

Naomi's mother tree

Julia Cameron's morning pages : 
- efficiency - integrity - vision

walking without a destination in mind...
2 fantastic interviews. Really felt like I got to know these two creatives. Thanks for sharing. X X
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