The zodiac signs of Avatar the Last Airbenders characters and why they relate to the astrological sign. Disclaimer: This is only for fun!
Aang known as the Avatar is a Libra. He’s meant to restore balance to the world and master all four elements. Rather talk things out over fighting and loves connecting to others. Literally balances the scales of the world so everyone can live in harmony and peace.
Zuko is an Aries. Very impulsive and the epitome of a hot head. He’s recklessly brave but his competitiveness allows him to overcome the hard obstacles life has thrown him. Physically made himself sick from his fiery self-confliction. He acts now, and thinks later.
My good sis Katara is a Cancer. Comes from a water tribe and she’s a natural born healer. Very nurturing in nature and an intuitive empath. Will go to war over her loved ones and it hurts her to see other people hurt. Can be very emotional, but a very needed shoulder to cry on.
Sokka is the epitome of a Leo. Very stubborn, but he can light up the room with his personality. A natural born leader and protector. Very good planner. Very charismatic but HATES feeling embarrassed or looking dumb. Can’t stand liars and will ALWAYS find out the truth.
Princess Azula is a calculating Scorpio. Can literally see straight through your soul and always ten steps ahead. Very intense stare and love playing mind games. A born alpha, and can easily manipulate you into doing what she wants you to do.
Uncle Iroh is a Pisces. VERY intuitive & connected to the spiritual world. Provides the best comfort and advice, always does the right thing. Family is the most important thing to him, along with tea. Loves to love & connects with others easily. Always making friends. Good karma.
Jet is an Aquarius. Will lead the revolutionary. A natural born leader & refuse to stand by and watch injustice happen. Have a desire to change the world and is a free spirit. His negative traits is that he can be so blinded by his goals he comes off as narcissistic. Ladies man.
Toph is a Taurus all the way. Literally grew up living a luxurious life. Very stubborn & hates being told how to live her life. If you tell her she can’t do something, she will master it just to prove you wrong. Intuitive when it comes to Earth & very ambitious. Loves napping.
Ty Lee is our Leo Queen. The epitome of a Leo woman, and always good at everything she does. A smile that lights up the room. Very bubbly and loves attention. Loves making a grand entrance and she is a force to be reckoned with.
Wa Shin Tong is a Sagittarius. The keeper of knowledge and a ancient spirit. Collects knowledge from all over the world and won’t pass up the opportunity to learn something new. A traveler. Well respected and known for their intelligence but don’t get on their bad side.
Suki is a Gemini. Very adaptable and won’t turn down an adventure! Communicates in a direct manner but have just the right amount of humor. Independent and intelligent, and wants all the smoke if you dare challenge her. Very flirtatious.
Long Feng is a Capricorn. Strong and disciplined. Very practical and distant. Very set in his ways and traditions. All work no play. Has keen awareness and won’t hesitate to show his authority. Don’t violate a Capricorn’s boundaries or break their trust. You will regret it.
Mai is an Aquarius. Very independent and eccentric. Rebellious in nature but can come off as cold or emotionally detached. Fast thinkers and of course, a freedom fighter. Tend to be very unpredictable.
Princess Yue is a Pisces. Very friendly and selfless. Literally turned into the moon and was the yang to the yin. She represents emotional and spiritual harmony. And of course, belongs to a intuitive water tribe.
Bumi is our Virgo Earth King. Very intellectual and calculating. Contemplates every situation before reacting. Eccentric in his own way and a very powerful earthbender. Known as a “mad genius” which can represent Virgos overthinking to the point it can drive them insane.
Fire Lord Ozai. A ruthless unevolved Aries yet confident leader. Can be easily angered and merciless. Has a lust for power and success. It’s either his way or....his way.
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