THREAD: Why Electing Women is a Sign of Increased Collective Well-Being
The nations that have done best against the Coronavirus are led by women. /1
Other end of the spectrum? Authoritarian nations that are failing miserably are led by men. Russia, Brazil. The US. Massive public health risk resulting from the ignorance/bigotry inherent in leaders that assert authoritarian, dominance-based masculinity. /2
The clearest anti-authoritarian marker is whether a nation actually elects a progressive women to lead them. Authoritarian cultures, cultures underpinned by dominance based individualizing masculinity can't accept female leadership nor do they value the collective good. /3
Harm to public health at the core of authoritarian hierarchical cultures is the idea that we climb the ladder of success by dominating those below us. "I got mine, now you get yours. If you fail, it's your fault." This calcifies class and race bigotry as "the natural order." /4
Gender/racial bigotry underpin authoritarian' leaders catastrophically bad public health policy. When policy is based on dominance based masculinity, millions get killed. Not just by Covid, but by entire systems that value status and power over the well being of all citizens. /5
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