This is a good question, and examining it will reveal that history and psychology are oft intertwined, and it pays to understand both

The circumstances that produced the Greatest Generation were unique, and the answer to this question is not simple, but it is a cautionary tale..
The reality of the Greatest Generation is that they were socialists who were disproportionately successful thanks to the overwhelming suffering of others and the wealth of empires far older and greater than America at the time
All mighty empires are built on the bones of the ones before them

20th Century America merely devoured the rotting remains of Victorian Great Britain

Who can blame them?

They were literally starving
The Victorian Era was already waning when WWI gave it a bloody and brutal execution

All of Western Europe was wasted

Generations of men simply gone

A society shattered beyond repair

A culture maimed beyond recognition

America emerged mostly unscathed
Thus, the Roaring 20's

The Lost Generation Partied while the great socialists of the so-called "Missionary Generation" before them came into power

I will risk the tired platitude in this case, because it is critical:

Nobody talks about this
THESE were the parents of the Greatest Generation

Woodrow Wilson
V.I. Lenin
Josef Stalin
Leon Trotsky
Franklin Roosevelt
W.E.B. DuBois

They were more influential than many realize

The Greatest Generation paid their dues

And then they went about their fathers' work
Certainly they suffered

WW1 was a calamity

The 20's were a brief respite that ended before they could enjoy it

They grew up in the Great Depression

An era the Socialists knew well to exploit

How could this NOT influence them?
WW2 enriched American industry like no other event could

And it wrecked Europe and Asia

Post-war America was mightier and richer than any empire in history

The Greatest Generation had grown up through economic depression and war

And so, they partied
The Socialist ideals were easily funded in a nation so overwhelmingly rich

Fat pensions and bloated unions were an affordable luxury

Academia and entertainment could become enormous industries

All they had to do was feed the machine
And feed it they did

Eisenhower warned them

They ignored his advice

The military industrial complex swelled to gargantuan levels

Universities fattened their faculties and curricula with leftist nonsense

Media gorged itself on vice and sensationalism
This was the Greatest Generation enjoying the fruits of their labor

Fortunes of the Old World had been exhausted in calamitous wars, with banks and industries in America receiving most of the spoils

And they spent it as one might expect

Like a starving child in a candy store
Ah, but what of their children?

The loathsome Boomers?

They were spoiled

Given everything money could buy

Left to their own devices while their parents enjoyed themselves at country clubs and cocktail parties

This was the reality they knew

So they grew up expecting as much
But the money wasn't going to last forever

The Post-War era had enough wealth to fund all this luxury on a single income

That began to dwindle as the Boomers came of age

But they wanted everything Mom and Dad had

Enter Feminism
Ahh, the suffragist, socialist Missionary Generation sees their influence appear once more

Now women have been voting for 50 years

Their mothers got to work in factories during WW2

So, the Boomer women went to work

Because it would take two incomes to match dad's one
The Boomers were indeed successful

They became the Yuppies of the 80's

Stupidly rich

Divorce rates climbed as the strong independent women didn't need no men

And then the Cold War ended

The Boomers had the audacity to declare victory

As the golden goose finally died off
The Boomers still want all the benefits of the socialist policy that began with their parents and grandparents

Fully funded retirements

Fully funded healthcare

Fully funded education

The problem is

None of that was EVER affordable

It worked for about five minutes after WW2
Before the 20th century

None of these things existed

They're an anomaly

Just like the insane obesity rate we see in society

It's not meant to be this way

And it is not sustainable
The Greatest Generation made it happen

Only because they had the brief window of prosperity to will it into existence

It wasn't their idea

It was their parents

And they didn't pay for it

The death of Western European civilization did
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