The image this woman chose to illustrate her oppression is Anastácia, an enslaved African in 1700s Brazil. Her mistress ordered that iron spike torture device put to deform her face and squeeze her neck out of rage and jealousy that her husband wouldn't stop raping Anastácia. 1/3
Story also says Anastácia knew medicinal cures, healing practices and was painfully muzzled to curtail her influence. In time, she became a revered saint among Brazilian Catholics and Umbanda practitioners. More popularly, she's a symbol of Black women's power and resistance. 2/3
You rarely see images of Anastácia outside her story of a resilient head held high above depraved criminals who enslaved and tortured her. Mouth silenced, but her face still screaming testimony against their evil. But when you do, it's always interesting what they do with it. 3/3
FYI, woman with Anastácia's picture saying "only slaves & dogs wear muzzles" is protesting public health rules mandating masks during a pandemic.

A mulher com imagem da Anastácia e placa "só escravo e cachorro usa mordaça" está protestando contra o uso obrigatório de máscara.
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