At this point I'm convinced that the Libertarian Party simply isn't capable of winning elections not because of their inability to have a solid platform, but their inability to get pragmatic and serious about running good candidates and establishing party structure that works...
If they were serious, Amash would have been a forgone conclusion for the party to put up as their nominee and their delegates wouldn't be seriously considering memes, jokes, gimmicks, and people who can't admit that drivers licenses and roads are generally good things...
But here we are, with Justin Amash out because they can't get their act together because they'd rather be a social group that gets off every time someone says "taxation is theft" and can't get a convention to run properly....
Yes, ballot access and first past the post voting are issues for third parties generally speaking, but local elections and house seats should be, generally speaking, competitive ground for the party-but they aren't, and can't be, because of their inability to get serious.
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