Being obese the majority of my life, I learned to make myself invisible. I aimed to blend in and bring as little attention to myself as possible, because when you’re overweight, the that’s the first thing that comes to people’s minds, whether you like it or not.
When I lost weight, I started to allow people to see the real me for the first time in my life, because I didn’t have to worry about folks seeing my weight before they saw “me.”
Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck his handling of this pandemic. Fuck his anti-Latinx, anti-Muslim, anti-LGBT, anti-women rhetoric. Fuck his blatant disrespect for the checks and balances of the US government. There is so much garbage to rip on him for. His weight isn’t one of them.
When we rip on Trump for his weight over the actual grotesque person he is, we reinforce the idea that weight is the first “bad” thing we see about a person.
Nancy Pelosi has done a lot of good. There’s also a lot of room for improvement. She voted to approve his defense spending. She’s taken it upon herself to publicly diminish the capacity of progressive Congresswomen of color. She’ll be my “kween” once she makes an actual stance.
Until then, let’s not actively teach folks struggling with obesity out there that that’s all we see in them.
Anyway that’s all I have to say on that. I’m not interested in discussing it more, we’re all bored during quarantine and are spending too much time getting mad about stuff online. I just wanted to share my last thoughts based on my experiences here and move on and have a good day
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