You see, the proper way to have handled the coronavirus is the exact opposite way we did... 1. Quarantine the sick. 2. Quarantine the immunocompromised (elderly, etc) who wish to be quarantined. 3. Leave everyone else alone. That way the people who get sick are those who...
...chose the risk and are among the healthiest. This means fewer deaths and hospitalizations on our way to herd immunity. Instead we quarantined everyone, poured plague into our nursing homes, and delayed herd immunity... Had we done this my way, a lot fewer...
...people would have died and we would already be well on the way to herd immunity. Those Spring Break kids everyone screeched at were heroes. Those Spring Break kids would have increased the infection rate -- thus, getting us closer to herd immunity -- without...
any real risk to them. We should have told them the risks and paid to send every college kid in America to go on Spring Break. They were the perfect vehicles to increase the infection rate necessary for herd immunity with little to no risk. Instead we screeched and...
virtue-signaled at them and ourselves into a Great Depression and more deaths than necessary. So, in the end, the alarmists killed a whole lot more people than necessary, but at least they also killed our economy. You see there... still no cure for the Spanish Flu of 1918 or the Hong Kong flu of 1969.. What ended those plagues was herd immunity and that is probably the only thing that will save us this time. We had a chance to achieve herd immunity smartly 2 months ago, with...
... the least amount of death and hospitalizations, but we listened to the alarmists in the fake media, and now more people are probably going to die than would have had we bit the bullet and gone for herd immunity -- on top of that...
...our economy is shattered and 35 million are unemployed.

Great job, "experts."
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