When I was in kindergarten we had to rotate bringing classroom snack. When it was my turn, my mom sent me with juice and animal crackers a few days before. The meanest teacher I ever had was RUDE and was like “iS tHaT aLl YoU bROuGhT??” keep in mind we were pretty broke,
And I was proud of my snack for the class. I was like “heh, yes?” super confused by that question. That afternoon I told my mom and she said, “if she doesn’t like it then she can send it BACK”. I took that as “go back to school and tell your teacher that”. So, I did.
The next day after informing my teacher what my mom said, I came out of the building that afternoon carrying my classroom snack, got in the car, and my mom was like “...why did you bring that back?!” I proudly told her that I let my teacher know what she said, so she sent it back
Of course my mom was mortified and I was kinda dumb and confused by all these different reactions, but also I’m so glad little Sara told off that mean teacher. I hated her. Luckily we moved and my next kinder teacher was an absolute peach. Anyway, that’s all. 😂
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