So I’m watching Avatar the Ladt Airbender (like everyone with Netflix is rn) and something just hit me about! I mean we all know this show shaped a good portion of our childhood, it hits so many important topics like censorship, sexism, imperialism etc. But that’s known and has
Been tweeted about constantly! What hit me while watching is how OBLIVIOUS I become to the characters ages once the show starts. They straight up give you everyone’s age but yet by book 2 it feels as if they aged 5 years because of the mental maturity level of each character! And
I LOVE it. When this show came out I was 9/10. Two year younger than Aang! And by season 2 it felt like he was 16/17 given his mental maturity. Yet the second season took place just a month or two AFTER the first one had begun! This show showed us that no matter how young we are
We have so much power/strength that we could take on anything. They also taught us different lessons throughout the series. Aang took on Ozai a 45 year old MAN when he was 13!!! Yes I know technically he is 113 but he is still physically a 13 year old
Yes he was terrified but in the end he took on a GROWN ASS man and not only defeated him but SHOWED HIM MERCY. In the face of someone so focused on power and world domination he, a child, showed mercy when the Fire Lord would never thought twice. THAT IS EMOTIONAL/MENTAL MATURITY
Another character that is wild to me is Azula! She’s depicted as evil and she even goes as far as to confirm it by saying ‘my mother thought I was a monster, she was right’. Her actions are so violent and so meticulously planned out that I always forgot she was only 14! She was
Just a child who just wanted to win her fathers favor and respect by any means necessary. But her actions always made me never see her in that light! I saw her as threat and much older and intimidating until the final battle where Zuko and Katara defeat her and again, show mercy
Something she would have never shown them, not even her own brother! That’s when I realized how truly young and naïve she is.
Michael Dante DiMartino and @BryanKonietzko created such an amazing show that showed little old me that your age does not define you and that you could fight back and do so much as a young person and I just thank them everyday for that lesson. While I was not fully aware of it
It has left a deep impact on me an on others. I could go on about what each character has taught me over the years but I’ll leave this thread here for now!
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