I've been following British #brown folx and their tweets about Priti Patel, Rishi Sunak, Alok Sharma, and Sayeeda Warsi.
Context: all four people mentioned above are key members of the UK's Conservative party.

Take a minute to let that sink in.
(I won't be talking about Sayeeda Warsi here. As someone who isn't Muslim, I have no authority or knowledge to comment on a Muslim Tory member)
But I can definitely comment on Patel, Sunak, and Sharma.

So I will.
In a piece for @WearYourVoice in March, I said that cisgender able-bodied Savarnas benefit off of India no matter what their geographical location.

Savarnas, by their very nature, propagate the social Darwinism hierarchy that ensures and maintains the oppression of minorities.
The existence of the Savarna is defined by confirming to capitalist practices.

They are no different from a white person. Furthermore, they also other themselves by painting themselves as the "oppressed race" when it comes to comparing themselves to white people.

Their casteist and oppressive roots are immediately forgotten once they leave India and move to the West. And of course, unsurprisingly, it's passed down to future generations.
Priti Patel, Rishi Sunak, and Alok Sharma are all Savarnas.

Savarnas who tack themselves to the white power narrative by pretending that the Tory party is a beacon of hope for the UK economy.

A great excuse for a #brown capitalist.
If these three were still living in India, or raised in India and involved in Indian politics, they'd be the Tejasvi Surya types.

Educated Sanghi BJP members who bring up the Mughals as a reason to propagate Islamophobic and caste-oppressive practices.
In summary...

Fuck you, Priti.
Fuck you, Rishi.
Fuck you, Alok.

You're a bunch of #brown traitors.
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