Callouts, callins and caca- a Thread. So to anyone taking the time to learn about social justice issues and the perspectives of marginalized people. There will come a time when you inevitably misspeak, screw up and take an L. How you respond to this is very important 1/
Imagine you're going to visit friends and while you're out, you step in some dog poop. It happens. Such is life. You get to the party, notice the smell and someone says "hey I think you got something on your shoe" you wouldn't cry because they told you, you wouldn't say they 2/
Were making it worse by telling you about the poop. And you also wouldn't (or shouldn't) get bothered if they bluntly tell you "YOU DON'T SMELL THAT đź’© on your shoes?! Clean that up!" You'd be a little embarrassed initially because of the poop on your shoe, but you would 3/
Clean it up to avoid tracking it all over the house once you've been told. So it goes when a marginalized person approaches you about something. Listen, be embarrassed if you have to, but take a minute to step outside and clean your shoes, and if you tracked some inside, 4/
Clean that up too. But the best response is to notice it before you get there and say "listen I stepped in something nasty and I need to clean my shoes before I come inside, can I have a minute to do that?" By unpacking and checking your own biases. No one's trying to be mean 5/
They're just tired of crap. /end
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