"Why people that are not oppressed by structures of power keep trying to excuse people that are part of structures of power?", a thread.

It's a sad but know fact that people that are not oppressed often offer excuses to diminish an act of indirect oppression.

We see this in racial, gender, class, etc., oppression.

A racist zoning law is passed and the legislators are shamed and condemned, because they did a "bad thing". But they aren't considered responsible for the harm caused to the people that'll lose their houses.

A sexist company is "called out" on their "unfair" promotion and salary practices, but they aren't seem as liable to the loss of life quality of the people that now need to juggle their life's difficulties without their deserved compensation.

If I need to give you an example of this problem in class oppression, then this thread is not for you. I can't tweet enough to give you the necessary knowledge.

In all these situations the "well intentioned allies" want to "call out" the "bad behavior" but the only consequence they deem appropriate is for the behavior to stop.

After decades of social struggle they think it's time to maybe perhaps eventually talk about reparations.

Now we're seeing the same thing happen with COVID-19. People want to "shame" and "call out" on the responsible for criminal policies that murdered tens of thousands of innocents.

Maybe some scapegoats are deemed acceptable targets.

But most responsible aren't.

If you are a scientist or doctor in position of power you're definitely getting away scot-free, maybe a slap in the wrist. Those that gave support to policies that murdered people like Ferguson, Giesecke, or Tegnell.

I'm talking about individuals not organizartions.

Ministers, secretaries, and other bureaucrats. It's ok to pretend hate them on the web, but they'll at most lose their jobs and move on to other profitable businesses.

If they lose their positions by pretend fighting the big bad presidents then it's ok to cheer them on.

The media that keep showing "both sides of the debate", waste our time with pre-print studies that are disgustingly bad, devote more words to what the government says than to what criminal laws they're approving under the hood. Promote inane articles.

We keep praising them

We need to stop "calling them out" on "bad behavior".

We need to start enumerating their crimes.

Trying to be "polite" is siding with the criminals. Excusing their crimes as mere "bad behavior".

They're not "innocent" when they had enough information to know better.

They're not innocent scientists, journalists, or bureaucrats.

They're human beings that choose death.

Chose with their arrogance and overconfidence.

Chose with their bigotry and hate.

We need to hold them accountable. We need justice and a future without them in power.

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