ft. yours truly and my brilliant colleagues @katzcenterupenn, on the sudden intersection of our research theme ("Jewish Home") and our own material circumstances. https://twitter.com/katzcenterupenn/status/1262497339979243520
So much of our research this year was about how the material dimensions of domestic spaces (however defined) shape the experience of "home." And the pandemic suddenly brought to the surface all those fissures we had carefully excavated all year.
How can you socially distance from your own elderly parents? How can you wash clothes after every use if you have no W/D? How do you stock up food for a couple of weeks if you don't live near a grocery store? How do you wfh while caring full-time for others?
We fellows had this conversation in early April, and sadly much of it turned out to be prophetic: our destructive return to "normal," our institutions' lack of certainty about everything except who among us is the most expendable.
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