War metaphors are dangerous but widely used when talking about emergencies like the pandemic & climate change. Are there good alternatives to military frames? Let’s start with the word ‘frontline’... @AliceSachrajda @NEON_UK https://bit.ly/3bMccxp  (1/8)
‘Frontline’ means the soldiers closest to the enemy. It’s used to talk about the key workers fighting the virus, & the social groups most affected. It's also used to talk generally about how individuals battle with disease. And it is unhelpful... https://bit.ly/3g35R3V  (2/8)
Alternative to ‘frontline’ workers no 1: Theatre. Instead, we can talk about the workers at the centre-stage of the pandemic, those waiting in the wings, and the audience of supporters or critics. @saltsea @anatosaurus(3/8)
Alternative to ‘frontline’ workers no 2: Beacon. We can talk about those in the light-house or waving the beacons. Those who are closest to what is unfolding and will beam back signals of hope or warning to the rest of us. @the_hope_guy @ClimateOutreach (4/8)
Alternative to ‘frontline’ sufferers: Load. To talk about groups who are more affected but not always visibilised, like people of colour, we can use active rather than passive language: carrying the load, bearing the burden, taking the fall, doing the heavy lifting. @guppikb (5/8)
Alternative to war: School. Eula Bliss argues, “If you think of yourself as being at war you feel embattled - if you think of yourself as being in education you feel like making progress.” The pandemic is a teacher with lessons for us about society. (6/8) https://bit.ly/3e70eQx 
Alternative to war: Organising. Instead of implying that militarisation is the response, we can talk about the power of working together, and the resilience / strength in networks of solidarity and mutual aid. Try teamwork as a metaphor? https://bit.ly/2zTD3tS  @smartMeme (7/8)
What do you think? Are there other ways we can use metaphor and imagery to replace words like ‘frontline’ and counter the widespread military metaphor? Let us know. Please RT! @AliceSachrajda @TheNickyHawkins @MissEllieMae @JCWI_UK @NEON_UK @rethinkecon @FrameWorksInst (8/8)
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