Nothing like getting out of bed to another day of people who say they're my allies mocking someone for being fat as if any mockery can happen in a complete vacuum.
I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I think he is a cruel, puerile, willfully ignorant, malicious, narcissistic abuser for whom hurting other people is often the point; he's someone who bought into the idea that life is a zero-sum game. For him to have more, you must have less.
If he disappeared in a puff of parasitic insects tomorrow, I would not shed a tear. And none of that is connected to his weight.
"But he LIES! He says he's the healthiest President we've ever had and he LIES!" Given that he has not been hospitalized for any weight-related conditions that we're aware of, I think his sin here is lying, not fatness.
You CAN be fat and healthy. Many people are! And even when you're not, being unhealthy is not a sign of moral character! Evil can be beautiful and healthy and strong, good can be objectively hideous and ailing and weak. Calvinism is not everyone's doctrine.
What Pelosi used was the medical term for being severely overweight, yes, but a) we know he lies, so how would she know his actual weight? Different people carry the same weight differently. That phrase may or may not accurately apply to him.
b) In a medical sense, "morbidly" means "in a way that relates to or is indicative of disease," thus proving that the language she used is judgmental and outdated. You can be "morbidly obese" and both fit and healthy. Do I think Trump is healthy? No, I think he's a liar.
But the correct term here would be "severely overweight," unless she is or has been in consultation with his doctors and knows that he has a medical condition directly tied to and caused by his weight.
When you say DONALD TRUMP IS A BAD MAN! HE'S A BAD FAT MAN! FATTY FATTY FAAAAAAAAT! he's not listening to you.

But every fat person who knows and loves you is.
And it's cool if you're a fat person who isn't bothered! You get to choose what bugs you! But when the vast aggregate of heavy people is asking you to please stop using "fat" as a combination slur and moral judgment, the kind thing is not to throw that rock.
You cannot throw an appearance-based insult at only one person. Someone else will always hear and be hurt by it. Is it true that a fat woman or fat person of color could never have fallen upward into Trump's position? Yes. But that doesn't make us worse people.
It makes us victims of a system that currently privileges white men over everyone else in ways that are increasingly difficult for even other white men to deny. And it's not the fat white guy you're hurting right now.
Please stop making us collateral damage as you aim for Trump's ego. We're people, too, and we're supposed to be on the same side.
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