Softbank's investments - Uber, Doordash, Wework, etc - are cons. They launder Saudi oil billions with "businesses" that lose titanic amount of money for many years, while also preying on real businesses and their own workforce.

Then, Softbank exits with an IPO that offloads the money-losing company on suckers who think its longevity means there must be a "path to profitability." Softbank cleans up, but workers' lives and real businesses are destroyed, and the suckers get cleaned out.

A little microcosm of this is yesterday's viral tale of a pizzeria that found itself on the receiving end of a bungled short-con by Doordash and turned the tables on the company. It's a petty revenge, but so satisfying.

If there's one thing Trumpism has taught us about sociopathic con-artists, it's that their greatest boasts mask their deepest terrors. And Softbank is no exception.

Yesterday's Softbank earnings call was HILARIOUS.

Softbank presented investors and analysts with a slidedeck that showed their "unicorns" (companies with >$1B valuation, though often that valuation is based entirely on Softbank's bald-faced, con-artist's assertion) tumbling into the "valley of coronavirus."

Oh no, you might think, those poor unicorns are stuck in a ditch!

But fear not! According to Softbank, those unicorns are merely a larval stage, and they will pivot to becoming pegasi, sprouting wings and flying away!




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