I really like this version of the cover for Tomb of Horrors, it's one of the few module covers that doesn't make me dislike this format.
A lot of the old module covers tried to have these full color paintings for the art and I think it fights against the format. This gives you those good risograph vibes and feels the way I want my old d&d to feel, sort of janky but owning it.
This is a really good example of letting the art and the design work in tandem. Also I really love that Dave did the text for the title as well, it adds SO much to the garage-y stoner metal vibes.
The Trampier cover for Hommlet is close, the color choices are working together instead of just using that awful forest green they always used for everything. the illustration is super cool on top of that. No illustrated text though :(
This White Plume Mountain is doing a similar aesthetic, though I like the art a little less (Manticore is the exception) The stain actually adds a lot here.
This doesn't really relate to this thread but I just found it and I think it rules.
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