I am not pleased. I grew up with a mother who was obsessed with her own weight & mine. I internalised some of that but have been working on unlearning it & trying to be comfortable with how my body is. Esp as I have conditions that make it impossible for me ever to be thin lol.
So after years of fighting it, of convincing myself that my worth is not tied to my weight ... imagine how it feels to see people gleefully equating fatness with evil, worthlessness, malice, laziness.
NOT GOOD, that’s how.
“Oh we didn’t mean YOU”. Yeah but you kinda did, though. There are so many truly awful things about the Orange Oligarch that you COULD pick on, so why choose the one thing that isn’t actually related to morality? Because you think fatness IS related to morality.
So when I see you pick on his fatness instead of, idk, his corruption, wilful ignorance, petty vindictive meanness, racism, ableism, shirking of duties, lack of all honour ... I see you equating fatness with those things. You see fatness as a symbol of moral wrong.

It hurts.
I’m never going to be a supermodel. I don’t want to be. I want to be myself and I want to live happily and not be judged harshly for my body type. But you do this again and again, despite all your protestations of “body positivity”, which leads me to suspect that’s all for show.
Body positivity only seems to last for as long as you approve of the individual fat person. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking HATE that man with a deadly loathing. But his fatness has nothing to do with why I hate him, & I am disappointed that it seems to be a symbol of evil to you.
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