I’ve been seeing a lot of posts with people over watering plants and it’s giving me a headache so...

1) Plants don’t need a weekly watering schedule, especially when they are indoors and in ceramic/plastic pots.

2) Ceramic/plastic doesn’t absorb water like terra cotta does.
3) Certain plants have different watering needs - RESEARCH THIS.

4) Use your finger to test the soil for moisture before watering.

5) Listen to your plant. Does it look like it needs water? Is it droopy or wrinkly? No? Prob doesn’t need water!!!
6) Is it yellowing and losing leaves while also dropping? You might be over watering it! Check the roots for root rot!

7) Make sure your pot is the right size for the plant - if it’s too big you’re likely going to have root rot issues.
8) If your plant requires well draining soil, potting mix isn’t enough - and no, miracle grow cactus mix isn’t great either - you need more inorganic material. Research this a bit - it’s important.

9) Some plants like their soil a lil wet and need humidity!!!
10) Fungas gnats are evil but there are ways to treat them! Mosquito dunks, diotamaceous earth, ACV traps, yellow sticky traps...it’s best to use more than one method. My best advice is repotting I’m baked soil and use mosquito dunks, ACV and sticky traps.
11) Miracle Grow is HORRIBLE for fungus gnats in my experience. Look at reviews for other soils on their sites and in plant groups!

12) If watering isn’t the problem and you don’t have fungus gnats you could have spider mites, mealy bugs or another pest :0
13) Google your plant and you’ll see common pests for that particular one. Neum oil products, isopropyl alcohol swabs and soap spray are common suggestions - research to see what is safe for your plant!

14) INSPECT new plants when you bring them home
It’s OKAY if your plants all have different watering schedules, lighting needs and soil needs, etc, that is normal! The mistake people make is treating every plant the same! Listen and learn, they are living things like we are :)
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