Women are disgusted by modern men, rightfully so.


- Women push men for more rights
- Men give in
- Women dislike weak men
- Women want more (natural)
- Men can't fight back because society shackles them
- The best men leave the society

= "Where are all the good guys?"
Very possibly, but it doesn’t matter.

Women are generally very suspectible to the mass programming, they want to fit in with the herd

It’s why everyone says “sell to women, it’s easier” — they ain’t lying https://twitter.com/greg37409516/status/1262757184938471424
As far as dating options, it’s far better for a woman to be a teacher than a CEO

Better to be a barista than a lawyer

Better to come from poverty than from wealth

It’s really a disadvantage for them https://twitter.com/thetestotriad/status/1262763864636047363
The real thing is that men must nip things in the bud when they start.

Once a movement has started it’s hard to stop.

Can’t put the cat back in the bag.

Can’t stop a train once it’s rolling
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