1/3 Again, #trollers are pushing #disinformation about the #Coronavirus #COVID19 pandemic "not being that bad" to make governments look like they've overreacted.🤨

It's the same as plugging a breach in a dam and THEN saying an evacuation was "an overreaction" which is STUPID.😠 https://twitter.com/dogfather/status/1262208199152881664
2/3 Here's a great thread on #trollers using gaslighting and revisionist history to dismiss the hard work of many as 'irrelevant' and 'unnecessary' because 'nothing happened'...

We #StayHome to #FlattenTheCurve on the #coronavirus #COVID19 to AVOID such! https://twitter.com/ClimateOfGavin/status/1211606829211553792
3/3 This quote by superintendent Darin M. Peppard perfectly captures why we must push back against such nonsense:

“In the end, it will be impossible to know if we overreacted or did too much, but it will be QUITE apparent if we under reacted / did too little.”🤔
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