The MSM ought to be ashamed of themselves for telling viewers.

“Hydroxycloroquine will kill you”.

Right now, it has the most evidence that it’s the best working therapeutic to combat Corona Virus.

Yet they hate it because Trump praises it...

And now he’s even taking it!
So let’s start with the risk. Is there even any risk?

The CDC believes so...
“The FDA is aware of reports of serious heart rhythm problems in patients with Covid-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine, often in combo with azithromycin and other QT prolonging medicines. We are also aware of increased use of these medicines through outpatient prescriptions,”
But where is the proof?

This is completely baseless. It’s a drug that has been working for decades with little risk.

Lupis, RA, & Malaria patients are not super human.

Have a look at the latest study from the American Heart Association...
Okay so it won’t kill you.

But what about the studies that say it’s not affective?

So far two from the NIH (Fauci) pointed in that direction.

Check the methods of the study...

Administering ANY drugs to people on their death bed likely fails.
The good news is, there are multiple study’s showing its affectiveness for those with mild conditions BEFORE they are in a condition needing hospitalization.
At the end of the day if you have Corona Virus, its a good idea to talk to your doctor about taking it.

Don’t listen to the lefty hacks on TV.

They hate Trump more than they care for you.

I have loved ones who have recovered using this, and swore it was the game changer.
You can follow @blair0lewis.
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