Taxi Driver.
A Bronx Tale.
The Crow.

"Can you put me up for the night?"
Halloween 5.

Controversial thought: I like it, especially when you stack it up to the remakes & Resurrection. Don Shanks was one of the most creative Michael Myers.
Pulp Fiction.


Everyone only ever sees Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. But arguably one of his very best performances is as a father making you question how far you would be willing to go in order to try and find your kidnapped kid.
Dirty Dancing.

I know what you're thinkin': 'Tommaso & Romance?!'

Well if it has something to add to the medium then sure & If this scene doesn't make you want to fuck then you're hopeless.

Plus, any REAL man who's lifted himself up by his boot straps was Johnny at some point.
West Side Story is a film that teaches us we are a product of our environment even when we don't necessarily want to be.

Maria's character teaches us it takes a special person to break a cycle of hatred because of how painfully hard it is, it's sacrifice. But some will follow.
GoldenEye 007.

Jean Grey in an alternative universe is Xenia Onatopp, a bad ass sexually driven assassin, this film is more insane than even the most insane modern action films. If you don't believe me, watch the first five minutes of GoldenEye. This is as 90s as it gets.
X-Men First Class.

MOST comic book films are garbage & anybody who says otherwise doesn't know their ass from their elbow however this has some of the most intense scenes & proves Michael Fassbender is one of the greatest actors of our time. His rise to Magneto inspires me.
Perfect Blue.

You think this is horrific? What if I told you what's truly terrifying about this movie is it's reflection of duality & projecting ourselves falsely, our intense fear of us being perceived in ways we don't consent to & fear of that perception becoming reality.

Most will say Goodfellas is Martin Scorsese's best film & I'm not here to disagree but to say Casino is as close of a second as it gets. Acting chemistry between Robert De Niro & criminally underrated Sharon Stone makes for some crazy scenes. Cast & directing is PERFECT.
East of Eden.

In a Cain & Abel like story, James Dean's character Cal is driven over the edge after doing everything in his power to try & win his father's love. In return he spitefully destroys the purity of the son his father loved unconditionally, Aron.

Like I did to Johnny.
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