Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little 95 years ago today. I wrote about his assassination f/ this book:
In 1952-53, Minister Malcolm began his career in Boston, the same years Ph.D. candidate Martin Luther King, Jr. ministered there
When Malcolm lived in Roxbury, he worked f/ a little while as a dining car waiter on the New Haven Railroad on which my grandfather was a Pullman Porter based in The 'Bury.
Later Malcolm served in two Southeastern Massachusetts prisons, Charlestown & Norfolk
If you want a good sense of Malcolm's relationship w/ Roxbury, even after he became Harlem Mosque minister, read his cousin Hakim Jamal (Allen Donaldson)'s book "From The Dead Level":
Jamal dated actress Jean Seberg, whose biopic dropped last year. Anthony Mackie portrayed Malcolm's Bostonian cousin
Less than a week after Malcolm was killed, a former member of Roxbury's Temple # 11, Aubrey Barnette, published an expose in "The Saturday Evening Post" titled "The Black Muslims Are A Fraud":
In early December of 1963, Malcolm defied a national gag order on NOI ministers in the wake of JFK's assassination. He was suspended 90 days. In Feb. Muhammad Ali became heavyweight champ, w/ Malcolm in the audience
Ali's title defense vs. Liston (rematch) was sched. f/ The Boston Garden in Nov. '64. Ali suffered a hernia while training. The rift between former NOI members who aligned w/ Malcolm, & Nation members grew more tense- sometimes violent. Hakim Jamal describes this in his book
Promoters feared violence in Boston, & moved the bout to a h.s. hockey arena in Lewiston, Maine. It's still the smallest crowd to attend a modern heavyweight title fight
This article dateline Boston, details the threats reportedly emanating fr. both camps:
Malcolm X as a panel guest on "City Desk"- in living color
Many NYCers were unaware of the NOI until Ch. 13's special "The Hate That Hate Produced" dropped in 1959:
Malcolm X addresses Saviour's Day 1958:
Malcolm X in 1959:
Minister Malcolm in Atlantic City 1960 (he was 35):
Malcolm debates on WCAU Radio in Philly 1961:
On April 27, 1962 an unarmed NOI member from Roxbury named Ronald X Stokes was killed by the LAPD. Malcolm speaks in L.A. after the hate crime:
Malcolm X at Oxford Union in 1964:
Malcolm interviewed in 1964 after leaving the NOI:
At 1:35 Malcolm gives the reason he did not go back to the NOI after his suspension. Two of the young women he is referencing were fr. Temple # 11 in Roxbury- Lucille X Rosary & Evelyn Williams, whom Malcolm knew fr. Boston:
Opinions vary as to why Malcolm never went back. Some cite his trip to North Africa and Mecca. But he had already been to The Middle East & seen "white" & Semitic Muslims in 1959:
Re- being suspended f/ saying "The chickens come home to roost" after Oswald killed JFK = Malcolm added "As an old farm boy- chickens coming home to roost have always made me glad, and never made me sad":
Malcolm & the NOI's influence on journalist Alex Haley inspired Haley to research his family's ancestry, which resulted in the best seller, & hit miniseries "Roots"
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