While you listen I want you to think what you would do if you were Elvis. And I challenge you to really put yourself in his shoes. You can not say: I would pay the extortion, because Elvis does not have the money to do so, so in this exercise, neither do you. (2/8)
You can not say I will go to higher authorities because again, you are assuming you are in a country where a higher authority would help you, an Elvis is not. (3/8)
You can not even say: I would elect better politician to power, because you probably did not vote for both Trump AND Obama and had little control on the result of this elections. (4/8)
You can, however, say you will stay in Guatemala and risk loosing your life, your wife or your little baby. I just ask you to not think that is Wendy but your OWN wife/partner. Not their baby, but yours. And really think if you would make the same decision. (5/8)
Finally, I want you to think about your own immigration story, we are all immigrants, right? How did your ancestors came here? What were they running away from? How was their immigration process? What was the same? What was different? (6/8)
I want you consider this is just one story. Not the worse I have heard. Not even close. Put yourself in the shoes of the single mother making that journey, or in the teenagers who have to leave their parents and walk thousand of miles to run away from gangs. (7/8)
There is no Ellis Island for brown immigrants fleeting violence in Central America. There is no American Dream like there was for your great grandparents. Instead, there is a system place to dehumanize them and reject them. And send them back to die. (8/8)
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