You have to have the proper credentials to be heard & listened to by people like Matt, and if you have the proper credentials & advocate things Matt doesn’t like, your are a hypocrite

In is a great way elites keep working class concerns from penetrating their credentialed bubble
As I write in the piece Senator Hawley is referencing, the working class doesn't have outlets to vent their frustration that the Matt's of the world will be open to

Working class is denied that access because they don't have the "proper" education or language.
Vox certainly isn't the platform for the working class to voice their concerns. They have a resume barrier, both in hiring, and implicitly for their audience
My piece Senator Hawley was tweeting, talks about how elites ignore the concerns of the working class -- all of the working class

When they do bother to worry about the poor, they ignore their agency, treating them like just numbers or people to be saved
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