Yesterday, I RTed a screencap shared by @SjwSpiderman over a chud's joy that She-Ra was ending, and thus his childhood was no longer being ruined.

I'm not going to bother with how grifter's like him are merely doing it so that they can boost their own pateron and pad their-
- bank account, nor talk about how Youtube is more than eager to monetize such hate to pad THEIR bank accounts.

They're important discussions that are happening now by wonderful people, but it's not the discussion I want to have in this thread.
What I want to talk about instead is the feeling I have towards such people, aside from anger.

It's pity.
People like The Quartering will never, in their life, make something that brings 1/100th... 1/1000000 of the joy that She-Ra's final season, nay, it's entire run, has brought numerous fans that tuned into it.
Heck, I'm 41 years old, and I remembering tuning into the He-Man/She-Ra power hour, and this show has brought nothing but joy into my life, because at 41 years of age, as much as I loved, and still love, the original She-Ra, it was, in part, a toy advertisement.
Creators like Rebecca Sugar, Noelle Stevenson, NK Jemesin, Jeremy Whitley... those are but a few creators off the top of my head that have created stories and characters that reflect the humanity of people not often seen in media, as well as many others.
Their stories say "I see you. You exist, you matter, you belong."

And it can mean a world of difference to people who are struggling to survive and be themselves in a world that does not want them to exist.
The same world that the Quartering and all his like-minded chuds and sycophants want nothing more than to ensure its survival.
I can't relate to that message in exactly the same way, being cis, white, male, able bodied, nor share in the joy marginalized people have when they see themselves on screen.

But I can be happy for them, and do my best to share their joy.
Chuds online can't even do that.

Hell, they won't do that.
Which makes them that much more pitiful in my eyes.
Nichelle Nichos will go down in history for her role as Uhura in Star Trek, having inspired black women to go into science as well as showing us all that black people have a humanity that must not only be respected, but cherished and nurtured and cared for.
Stan Lee? For all his faults (and he did have them) helped to craft a world of superheroes that were flawed, with allegories to race and sex, as well as inclusion. That there is room for us all.

Except bigots, because her all but said "Fuck you, bigots."
What will The Quartering's Legacy be?

Barely a footnote in history... a sentence in the books about how such people monetized hate for their own selfish, greedy ends.

And even then, I doubt they'll mention him by name, considering how cookie cutter him and the other chuds are.
Hell, I only really know him as the dude who got kicked out of a Magic the Gathering Convention for being a giant douchebag.
We will long remember the names of Leonard Nimoy, Mary Shelly, Monty Oum, Terry Pratchett, and others before the guy who got punched in the face for acting like a sexist asshat at a magic card game convention.
And before anyone says "Well, what about you?! What have you created to make people remember you by?!"

I honestly don't know. I hope that what I create, people remember and receive joy from.

And even then, I at least know that what I created was meant to be good and-
- kind and inclusive and a reflection of my own heart.

And that's a far better endgame in mind to have than spreading hate and bite for money.
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