Korra had moments

"Korra Alone" was a beautiful episode

I wish they had known how many seasons they would get so the narrative and characters were less disjointed and a production schedule that let them give each season the weight it deserved
I wish the seasons felt like part of the same show

I wish they hadn't taken the YA/NA characters from s1 and scaled them back to more MG in s2 to be more A:TLA-esque

I love that they explored trauma (GODS I LOVE THAT THEY EXPLORED TRAUMA)

I wish it had been done better

(yes my gay heart is still bitter -- giving us 5 seconds at the end felt like table scraps)
I wish they'd let Tenzin from s1 stay Tenzin throughout

I wish Bumi hadn't become "the fat comic relief character" (dude, so cringey and lazy)

I wish Kuvira had been there from the beginning so she had an actual compelling arc
I wish they had found a better way to address the aftereffects of colonialism instead of just "and we're all friends now oh also the Fire Nation still has that hugeass fleet"

I wish there had been more pro-bending (I'M A SPORTS REPORTER LET ME LIVE)
I wish Wan had had his own spinoff instead of being spliced in (you knooooow it's not too late to do this . . . . .)

I wish there hadn't been so much retconning, but I'm also a prequel fan so I have zero room to talk 😂
I wish season 2 had had a different plot
Literally any other plot

I wish season 4 had been set up better (see also: Kuvira from the beginning)

I wish Lin Bei Fong all the happiness in the world

I wish s1 hadn't been so condensed -- it had such promise
And most of all I wish I could say I liked the series

I don't hate it -- that's not the right word

Ultimately, though, it left me frustrated, disappointed, and unsatisfied

Among brilliant flashes of what it could have been, ultimately, it just felt like wasted potential
Ultimately . . . I just can't rewatch it

There's just too much that makes me pine for what could have been

I might rewatch individual episodes someday -- they had some spectacular ones, no question
I don't compare it to A:TLA -- in my brain, they're not even close to the same thing

I'm not here to say one is superior over the other

I'm not interested in Korra vs Aang debate because Aang is never who I watched A:TLA for anyway (sry bb)
I just wish things had been different, just as I do with a lot of books, shows, and movies that showed flashes of brilliance but couldn't stay consistent

Disappointment is far more complicated and difficult to process than hate, and it stays with me a lot longer
But if Korra makes you happy, I will wholeheartedly say to enjoy what you love

Heaven knows we all need it, and you deserve just as much happiness as my queen Lin Bei Fong
If it resonated with you and made you feel seen, take that energy and hold it tight and create beautiful things with it

I'll be fixing Zutara and Anakin Skywalker for the rest of my life in fiction

If the mood so strikes you, create and fix everything you ever wanted from it
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