at the beginning of corona I was thinking yes we must work together. don't be too critical of people in power doing best. this is all v difficult. dig in, get ready for a rough few months/even years. in GP, changed totally, new normal, ./
working v hard. everyone so much beyond-call-duty. folk putting up with delays, changes, etc. still feeling we were all trying best. everyone working more, feeling of absorbing more risk. waking 3-4 am worrying, by rote.
assuming that people in positions power were hunkering down on tried and tested public health principles. getting out of this. thinking and assuming there must surely be public health specialists in heart of government making sure doing this right. idiot that I am
the UK has amazing public health people. world class. @AllysonPollock @martinmckee @GabrielScally @globalhlthtwit. 'old school' public health is on the ground, human care at scale. @MattHancock does not pay attention. 'pillars' testing =most testing outside NHS, top down,
centralised. at odd with the public health working in countries with best results. it is the law that notifiable diseases, suspected or proven, are notified to public health depts. is this happening? no. not joined up. not integral to working. which means
not good enough data. avoidably, not good enough data. so we have a massive network of public health folk and primary care. dentists not currently working as usual. retired drs willing to come back. medical students saying how can we help. academic drs saying here I am to work
data, avoidably, missing. companies without the infrastructure needed to have meaningful results. I still have no idea what the false neg rate is. People going for test don't know either. likely to be somewhere 5-30%. not safe enough to send symptomatic people to work.
I don't mind working really really hard if it's useful. but to work so hard to see a system being set up in a way which will fail is heartbreaking. mistakes happen. everyone is under pressure. I am running out of 'be kind' s.
any more of this 'GPs to blame for care homes' 'its your fault for not using your PPE wisely' rot - risks a full scale rebellion. I've seen devoted health and social care staff who deserve x100 wages for well beyond duty work and now treated/blamed appallingly. strap in.
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