I studied pharmacology at university before deciding I wanted to move into neuroscience so switched to psychology so I could do my masters in neuroscience 🖖 https://twitter.com/Angry78003931/status/1262516969179406348
Anyone who's studied the sciences can see it's wrong, but in pharmacology, medical trials, research & studies are exactly what you're there for. Here's a small list of what I can remember from Season 4 & /why/ it's reprehensible to the scientific community. +
1) It's not legal. I mean this is big, shes doing it off the books in her underground basement, there was lots of lying going on with reporters sniffing around going to expose her until James 'head of Catco' has a moral dilemma & erases it for her & covers it up bc /girlfriend/ +
Without moving for it to be an approved or sanctioned study first she essentially can get away with doing whatever she wants, she has run right through all the red tape and doesn't have to follow any type of protocol. This is /dangerous/ +
These things are in place for a multitude of reasons but a good reason is safety and damn was safety the least of her concern.

As a scientist you have a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of your patients, it should be the main priority but Lena +
put the trial and need for innovation above the safety of a human being. Usually, trials run for decades and optimum safety is ensured before moving onto humans but with Lena she experimented on hearts, /it failed/ and withing days to weeks she still moved on to using the same +
/failed/ substance /on humans/ knowing it had a success rate of what, /zero?/ that shook me in all honestly, and it's something no sanctioned trial or ethical scientist would've allowed, in the real world she would've been jailed for all of this alone +
but if we take a look at adam she would've likely gotten a murder charge and here's more of why. For starters, she wasn't objective. No patients opinion, no feelings of yours or anyone else's should sway scientific judgement and what you've concluded /scientifically/ with /facts/
sure you can take a patients wishes into account but if you know the drugs a failure, that it causes hearts to literally explode upon insertion there's no way any scientist should or would ever administer even if the patient desired to continue. +
Also, his mental health was questionable I must say that'd give me pause on why he's so needing to pursue something that would likely kill him and why Lena's simply ok to continue knowing she shouldn't and all of this is wrong on so many levels. +
I like to also add that she gave him a false /name/ she withheld alot of the facts and in that alone it removes any type of informed /consent/.

Essentially she's playing god and is not the hero in this story.
Now if I were to rewatch there's likely alot more I could delve into but I think this for now is at least sufficient for your answer. Have a good day to you. 😋

//end thread.
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