here’s a friendly reminder (a thread):

you cannot be racist towards white people. Racism is based on a system of oppression. You CAN be discriminatory, rude, inconsiderate, and/or prejudiced against white people but you cannot be racist toward them-
-this is not difficult to understand. Racism is NOT a feeling. Racism is the exertion of power to, based on race, devalue, dehumanize and dictate the course of a human life or a group of human lives through systematic, social and situational manipulation.
A person of color can act on prejudices to insult and hurt a white person. But there’s a difference between being hurt and being oppressed. People of color, as a social group, do not have societal, institutional power to oppress white people as a group. An individual-
-person of color abusing a white person- while clearly wrong (no person should be insulted, hurt, etc) is acting out a personal racial prejudice, NOT racism.
Overall, reverse racism doesn’t exist. Acknowledge your privilege.
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