A few things to break down this morning for all you heroes out here defending your right to mock fat people:

1) The medicinal definition of “morbidly obese” requires that a person be more than 100 lbs overweight with a BMI of 40 or more. Trump does not appear to meet it.
2) Even if he met it, Speaker Pelosi would have no way of knowing that, because she is not his doctor and has not weighed and measured him. So no, she was not “stating a fact,” she was making a likely incorrect assumption based on her flawed understanding of weight categories.
3) Even if she was Dr. Speaker Pelosi, MD, and had weighed and measured him, we have known for decades that our current weight categories, and BMI in particular, are extremely flawed measurements of health and should not be tossed off casually as if they are the be all, end all.
4) Those of you who decided to make the hashtag trend did so because you find the idea of someone being obese inherently funny and worthy of mockery.

Stop bullshitting about being worried about people’s health. If you truly don’t want to hurt people, rethink your choices.
5) There are many good people who have body types similar to Trump’s. When you mock and carelessly label his body, you do it to them, too.

Today is a new day. Be better.
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