When you criticize Trump for his weight, you're telling overweight people they are ultimately a punchline. You're perpetuating the lie that worth is found in a number on the scale or around the waist. You're nurturing the cheap surface bullying he traffics in.

There are about a billion things we should shame Trump for: his intellectual ignorance, pathological lying, cruelty, disregard for human life, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and on and on.

We don't need to mention his body: his heart and mind are shameful enough.

I loathe him with ever fiber of my being, for the unfathomable damage he does to this country, to its people, and to the planet every day and from the abject joy he seems to get from it. He could lose fifty pounds and it wouldn't make him any less reprehensible.
Nancy Pelosi mentioned Trump being #morbidlyobese because it's a medical term and she was taking about the risks of a drug with that particular condition, I'm not claiming she was taking a cheap shot. The people running with #PresidentPlump are, and that's the problem.
Again, don't give me the, "Nancy was just speaking about a medical condition and the risks of this medication" line. I know that. She was.

The people tossing around the hashtags and memes and photos aren't doing that.

Let's not be as intellectually dishonest as MAGAs.
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