Please watch.
I've been warning for weeks now about Contact Tracing. WHO is behind this, and what authority will they have?
Note: I do disagree with one little part of what he says. I don't think his guess at motive is correct, and I'll explain why in my next tweet.
2) Motive-
I don't think Contact Tracing is their consolation prize, as hinted at in the video. I think it's actually a grand prize. As for the other things on their wishlist- I don't think they've dropped those either, & will hammer at (vax, economy, etc) from different angles.
3) I'm concerned that the motive is more sinister than collecting voting data. First, let's talk about what they're describing. People seem to have connected this to "smart phones" and think that they're safe if they don't have one. No. No one is safe from Contact Tracers, even
4) if you have no tech at all. Here's why: their collection of data isn't limited to phones or other technology. They're using PEOPLE, in person. Say they come to your neighbor's door because your neighbor was swept up in a Contact Tracing net for having been "exposed" to someone
5) and then Neighbor says, "Yeah, I saw that guy at the mailbox yesterday. Yeah, I talked to him. I don't know, probably at least six feet away, I'm not sure."
Your door: Knock, knock, knock

Smart phone didn't send them to your door, going to the mailbox at the wrong time did.
6) I was reading articles about the "detective" methods of Contract Tracing. Some say it's fear mongering. Well, I say it's stupid to allow this to progress. It's a massive spy and tracking program and we're meant to believe it's for OUR good? Bullshit. Of course it isn't.
7) There is absolutely nothing that justifies implementing this program. They're funding it with so much money, they'd be free to do anything they wanted. "Detainment" is talked about, as well as- in some cases "it may be necessary" to remove children from a home. When extreme
8) measures are talked about casually, why is the response, "Fear mongering"? Was it fear mongering when we warned that the human cost of shutdown would be worse than the virus, that it was a power grab and people would suffer? No, it was the truth.
This Contact Tracing thing is
9) Being flung at us when we've been weakened by the fear of the virus and the strain of the shutdown. BY DESIGN! Now people are already accepting of Contact Tracing. They think they can simply not have a smart phone, and that it's no big deal really.
Please, please fight this.
10) Warning and "Fear Mongering" are two different things. Fear mongering implies there's no threat. Warning says there is, but if warned, we can do something about it.
When we know our enemy & their plays, we win.

In the future, we've already won.

/end thread/
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