I have had a love-hate relationship with the USA over the last 4 years.

Now is an interesting time to explore what all I've experienced, learned and where we Indians stand as of today.

2016: I was busy applying for a Ph.D. in String Theory / Cosmology in the US.. https://twitter.com/ilyaraz2/status/1262434883915243520
Since my uncle migrated to the US in the early 90s, going to the US (the mecca of media, SciTech progress) was THE dream.

I had little clue about how markets and demand/supply rule. As it turned out, relying on something as abstruse as theoretical physics wasn't a sane bet.
2016 was when Trump got elected. Funding was anticipated to take a hit.

Despite having a first author publication cited by Ivy league groups etc, I didn't make the cut. Waitlisted at NYU but that's about it.

Being a Bernie supporter back then, I was rather furious.
Got me deep into the "oh look, Trump. US is doomed, their healthcare / edu debt suck", "India is the land of opportunity" narratives.

I decided to stay back, work, and 'develop' India. Took a deep-dive into education and then entrepreneurship happened almost by accident.

2018 - 2020, I discovered how ease of doing business sucked and the only way to make big money fast was by breaking the law and greasing palms.

I learned that taking risks was usually a stupid decision because of underdeveloped markets, nepotism, and red-tapism.
It's no surprise that despite being almost a decade into the startup craze in India, next to no startups have IPO'd. B2B SaaS works because they sell to foreign markets. 'EdTech' works because people sell hope.

Massive respect to angels who put their money on the Indian market!
The US might have glaring flaws and side-effects of capitalism, but there's no denying that risk is better tolerated there. Laws actually get enforced better.

That attracts the best of people. And it meets with success, kicking in a positive feedback loop for risk-taking.
In the near future, the US is likely to close down its borders + imports there to protect the lives and livelihoods of its own citizens.

Since other countries are in a free-fall without any ability to print money, the global reserve currency ($$) will only strengthen.
What's to happen to enterprising Indians? I don't know.

It's up to us to either find a crack in the wall and keep up the exports to the US or heck or reform our bureaucratic structures back home.

The latter option will be bloody, but if not that, might as well call it a day.
[ In hindsight, kinda glad that I'm not stuck up in the COVID-19 pandemic in a foreign land sitting with a Physics Ph.D. amidst an OPT clusterfuck with little understanding of economics, geopolitics, and experience in running a business online ]
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