Brief roundup of important signals I've noticed recently

- Pro CCP political coup in Hong Kong
- Scientists working on Rona killing themselves
- Higher reported rate of Rona positive tests in the cats of wuhan than the people
- Russian doctors treating Rona defenestrate
- America no longer issuing passports
- US Navy restructuring, apparently for island based ops
- US Air force withdrawing strategic bombers from Pacific stations
- Lots of talking heads about "dangers of globalised supply lines"
- TSMC building a fairly large fab in the US
- Discussion of certain types of tech companies as "strategic assets"
- US saying they might have to pull strategic resources out of UK after Huawei 5g deal
- Discussion of how the US has lost most (all?) wargames with China
Signals I haven't seen, so far, that would be scary to me:
- "are nukes that bad" op eds being written
- Small nations (Israel, Iran, India, Pakistan, Korea, NK etc) escalating their forever wars
- "accidental" weapons usage
- Collapse of interoperation of the various space programmes, particularly Russia and the US
- Locking down of communications systems ("cutting/filtering the cable" between us and peers)
- Investors bailing from China-adjacent positions
- Big gov. grants for native manufacturing
Don't have a thesis here, just find these things spooky

Civvies make buildings, every other engineer makes weapons, as it has been since forever. We've got a lot of engineers these days, not much work for them.

Yet govs pour money into stem.
Hot take, the Internet and tech industry is, amongst other things, an excellent way to put an enormous state engineering capacity into a holding pattern between wars.

The number of engineers needed to make tech is (I think) way lower than the number who work in tech
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